The Birth of Wyatt - Fairbanks Birth Photographer

Birth doesn't always go as planned.  It's said often, and it's very true.  But this birth story is a wonderful reminder that beauty transcends plans.  Rebecca and Ben had a homebirth planned for their third child, just as they had for their older two children - but when Rebecca suddenly developed complications, it was necessary for her to undergo an induction at the hospital instead.  

Even though it wasn't what they were planning and there were justifiably some feelings of grief when it was clear they wouldn't have their homebirth, there is so much beauty in this birth.  The support of Rebecca's husband and mother during (the entirely unmedicated) labor, and the joy and elation of the older siblings as they met their baby's beauty beyond compare.  

The Birth of Cash Warren - Fairbanks Birth Photographer

The birth of Cash Warren.  I'm going to let the pictures tell the story and not get too verbose, but I do have to say how deeply humbling it is to be invited into the birth space - especially when it's time and time again.  Heather and Tony were my first repeat birth clients - I photographed the birth of their first child, Claire - and (just to show how behind I am on blogging) Cash is now a big brother himself and I photographed the newest addition to the family as well!

Welcome earthside, Cash.  

Nathaniel's Fresh Baby Session

This beautiful little guy and his brave, brave mama have such a place in my heart.  Heather originally hired me for birth photography, but due to series of serious complications, it ended up that Heather had to give birth in Anchorage via cesarean section at 34 weeks.  Baby Nathaniel far exceeded everyone's expectations and happily, he was able to travel home north with his two big brothers soon.  We did this session just a few weeks after they returned home to the beautiful chaos that is life with three young kids.