These photos were taken on Landon's first day earthside when he was just a few hours old. The magic of a new baby, the making of a never gets old.
Landon's Newborn Session
Ooooh, this squishy little dude. What a dream.
Landon also had a Fresh 48 Session, so if you're kicking around the idea of one or the other, this is an excellent opportunity to compare the two styles. You can see his Fresh 48 here!
The McElroy Family is 4
Repeat clients give me all the best fuzzy feelings. It's especially wonderful to watch them grow! This was Caleb's first time joining us for the McElroy's annual family session (and what an addition he was!). I can't wait for this year's session - it'll be here before you know it.
Jon + Chloé: Love - Fairbanks Wedding Photographer
I rarely have the opportunity to shoot weddings...but when I get to, I always enjoy it so much. Jon and Chloe are both originally from Fairbanks but currently live in Seattle. They decided to come home to tie the knot - which they did, surrounded by their families and the ones they love best, on the day after Christmas.
It was pretty magical.
Summer 2016 Bookings with Sarah Lewis Photography
Limited summer and fall sessions are still available! I have a few availabilities beginning in July. Don't wait to book yours now! Drop me a line to inquire about designing your family's custom session or booking a Fresh 48 or Birth Story.
The Birth of Petra - Fairbanks Birth Photographer
This was such a special birth to witness - especially so since Petra's older brother is one of few births I've ever missed!! (You can read that story here.) Since her last labor had moved so quickly, Tricia proceeded with caution as her due date neared - very justifiably, as it turned out. As soon as she recognized a pattern to the gentle contractions she was feeling, we all convened at the birth center - and very quickly, it became apparent that it was no false alarm.
Petra joined us under the nearing dusk of the midnight sun, born into the waiting hands of her father, and she is simply THE most beautiful baby. Don't you agree?
The Wetzel Family - Fairbanks Lifestyle Photographer
Lucy Jane's Fresh Baby Session
In-home fresh baby sessions will always be one of my favorites. This session was done when Lucy Jane was about a week and a half old - and these images will last a lifetime.
Clementine's Fresh 48
Oh, fresh babies.
The McElroy Family
This fall session will always be one of my favorites. We lucked out with pure blue skies and THAT MOON...I mean, are you kidding me?!? Add in some serious family sweetness, and it couldn't have been better if we'd tried.