Emily's Fresh 48 - Fairbanks Newborn Photographer

Have I mentioned how much I love Fresh 48 sessions? I loooooove Fresh 48 sessions.

And I have to admit, this session is my favorite type of Fresh 48: I was present atEmily Scarlett’s birth just shy of twelve hours before coming back to the hospital to rejoin this adorable, newly-minted family of six to document three very excited big siblings’ first introduction to their new baby sister. I relish revisiting babies I’ve photographed at birth – trust me, even though not even twelve hours had passed, they change so much in that time! I love getting to add moments from baby’s first days to the birth story. And let’s face it, there’s nothing sweeter on earth than big kids with baby siblings…nothing. : )

I hope you enjoy these images as much as I do. Let me know what you think in the comments! I love to hear from you.

The Birth of Emily Scarlett - Fairbanks Birth Photographer

I am really honored to have been a part of this birth story. And what an incredible birth story it is – it’s a story so great that it actually starts waaaaay before the pregnancy did!

So, let’s start at the beginning.

This is an adorable family. (For real. Jim was actually named the Hottest Dad in America! And clearly, Angela is no slouch herself, either.) When Angela was telling me this story, she said that the most meaningful aspect of the experience of being named the Hottest Dad in America wasn’t the title – it was that Jim got to appear on national tv and talk about how passionate he was about parenting, and to share that message.

After getting the opportunity to see Jim with his kids at our Fresh48 session, I have to say that this comes as no surprise. Both Jim and Angela possess that rare quality of being able to see the world through their children’s eyes, and I saw them approach their eldest three children’s first introduction to their new sibling with patience, empathy, and a giddy excitement that could only be called childlike – in the best way possible.

But back to the birth!

So, Jim and Angela had their three beautiful children, decided they were done, and – well – Jim underwent a certain surgical procedure that is often described as permanent birth control. : ) And some years later, Angela began to wonder if she was having a change of heart. Angela is a photographer based in North Pole (of the eponymous Angela Tritle Photography) and sees a lot of high school seniors, and their parents, in her studio for portraits. She told me that she often ended up chatting with the parents during the sessions – and she was surprised how often she heard them say that they wished they’d had more children.

Angela really wanted to make sure that they too weren’t going to experience this regret, and so she and Jim really took it upon themselves to revisit the issue and really, really think about the baby question. As you may have already guessed given the nature of this post, it soon became clear that yes, they did want to pursue having more children.

It was a long journey, but from that point, they maintained faith that the pieces would fall into place and that they would find a path to their dream. And fall into place they did, including a trip out of state for a surgical reversal. And that was how I ended up in a coffee shop with Angela when she was about eight months pregnant, glowing, and very, very excited.

Angela had a natural, drug-free birth planned and had arranged to labor in the hospital’s tub if circumstances permitted. Her previous three labors had been relatively quick, so when I got the text that she was in labor, I was ready to fly into action. And I stayed ready…for hours! To everyone’s surprise, this little girl was taking her time. I finally joined them at the hospital in the evening and had a lovely time hanging out with Angela, Jim, and Angela’s sister, who was there to take video. Though she still was only dilated to about 3 cm, the contractions were starting to get uncomfortable, and the CNM gave the go-ahead to get into the tub.

It was there that labor soon began in earnest, and the amazing relationship between Jim and Angela really began to shine. Jim stayed by Angela’s side every second and was absolutely her rock – calm, steady, supporting, and strong. It was amazingly poignant to watch. After an early labor that poked along for an entire day, Angela’s labor was suddenly moving fast, and it became incredibly intense – so much so that during transition, Angela was left literally gasping for breath. At one point, she dilated almost three centimeters in the 40 minutes between checks – crazy fast. Later, she said it felt like she was being split in two. All we could figure is that baby finally decided to shift her position, and once she did, she was on her way down!

It was around this time that Angela asked for an epidural. It was so amazingly intense. However, it was clear – to everyone in the room except for the woman in labor – that there was no way an anesthesiologist would be able to get there before the baby did! Luckily, however, her CNM appeared and was able to tell her just how close everything was – and suddenly, carts were being wheeled in willy-nilly and Angela was about to meet her baby.

Emily Scarlett was born en caul (being born “in the caul” refers to an amniotic sac that remains intact through birth) – in a scant few pushes she was in her mother’s arms. The room was full of joy, and the rosy squalls of a beautiful baby with a fuzzy head of hair.

Nothing. Beats. That. Moment.

Lucy - Fairbanks Lifestyle Family Photographer

I am so excited to finally share this session.

I love, love, love it.

The family is gorgeous and the pictures are great, yes. But I also have a personal connection with this session. These are friends who were mere days away from moving across the country – all the way to Vermont! – and this is how we said goodbye.

We wanted to do some family pictures before they left, and we knew we wanted to do them in their home, the amazingly gorgeous structure that Matt designed and built with his own two hands. We had talked about it once or twice when I came across a session done by one of my favorite photographic inspirations, the lifestyle photographer Suzanne Gipson. Her session was titled A Sentimental Goodbye and it featured a family saying goodbye to their home immediately before moving.

And it moved me. To tears. I sent Heather the link, and she reported tears on her end, too. We wanted to do a session like this.

And so we did. It was a wildly wonderful day to take this inspiration and run with the creative license; to try to create – and capture – authentic remembrances of the last moments in this home, of this sweet phase of their life. It was challenging, emotionally and artistically, in the best way possible.

I hope its beauty shines through for you, too.

Birdie - Fairbanks Lifestyle Family Photographer

This was one of the two sessions I did this summer with families who had grandparents visiting in order to meet their grandbabies for the first time. Both sessions were so very special; it was so lovely to see these families set aside the moment to not only document, but to also really savor each other. We had {perhaps too much} fun, and I feel very fortunate to have been there to take part.

I thoroughly enjoyed this session – and between Somer’s smile and miss Birdie Mae’s eyes, how could you go wrong? (True story: I love Birdie’s name so much, I briefly considered stealing it for my own baby girl! Don’t worry, though, Somer – you’re safe!) In all seriousness, though, this entire family was just radiant, and it was a pleasure to have them in front of my camera.

I hope you love these images as much as I do!

Claire's Fresh 48 - Fairbanks Newborn Photographer

This session is so lovely, I almost don’t want to write anything, since the images speak so loudly for themselves. Suffice to say, I was invited back to the hospital to photograph sweet Claire's Fresh 48 Session when she was less than 24 hours old. I am so honored to have been asked to capture these supremely beautiful moments.

The Birth of Claire Michelle - Fairbanks Birth Photographer

This was such a triumphant birth, and I am so honored to have been a part of it. Heather and Tony had been awaiting the birth of their first child – a “surprise” baby (they had waited to learn the sex of the baby until the birth) – and were soooo ready to meet {her, as it turns out!}. They had a lovely natural childbirth planned: in addition to their desire for a drug-free labor, Heather specified immediate skin-to-skin contact in her birth plan, and – most exciting of all – their care provider was on board with Tony catching the baby, if circumstances allowed.

And to kill the suspense now: they did it! They had what I consider to be am eminently beautiful birth, though it didn’t go exactly as planned (as they rarely do), in that Heather had to be placed on some induction drugs when her waters partially ruptured, but labor hadn’t picked up on its own. As mamas who have experienced pitocin for themselves know well, it’s a drug that causes contractions that are notoriously intense. Throughout her long labor (and back labor at that), Heather understandably considered an epidural several times. Each time, her support team – including her care provider – served as the perfect sounding board, asking her if she was sure it was what she really wanted, and providing the encouragement that she could make it. It was wonderful to see a support team so empathetically and respectfully honor the spirit of the wishes Heather had stated in the birth plan.

And make it she did, triumphantly. And if that wasn’t enough to make this an amazing birth, Tony caught the baby (with their care provider’s hands always right there to show him what to do)! It was an incredibly emotional thing to witness, and I can’t find the words to express how much I love the series of photographs as the baby was making her way earthside. Another favorite of image of mine from this birth, captured soon after, is perhaps the best “It’s a girl!” picture ever – Heather and Tony are both just so happy, their smiles spill out of the picture, and I can still hear their exclamations and laughter.

They named her Claire Michelle, and she was just the tiniest, sweetest little baby you have ever seen. But I’ll leave you to be the judge!

Annabelle's Fresh 48 - Fairbanks Newborn Photographer

I was invited over to photograph this adorable girl when she was less than forty-eight hours old. She was a “surprise” baby – Bruno and Judith had opted not to learn the sex of the baby before the birth – and so they hadn’t yet picked out her name the day I met her. They later told me that they had named her Annabelle – a sweet name for a sweet girl that I think fits her perfectly.

I hope you enjoy these indoor, wintertime images. It was an honor to be invited to capture the tiny moments within those intimate first hours of this new family of three (and with the midwives, who happened to stop by for the 48-hour home visit while I was there!). I hope these images will always help transport them back to the particular sweetness of their beautiful daughter’s first days on earth.

The Birth of Rowan - Fairbanks Birth Photographer

This little guy’s family was soooo ready to meet him – especially by the end of a labor that spanned almost two full days and nights! But both Rowan and his mom, Colleen, hung in there until the very end.

In an effort to write less and let the pictures tell the story, I’m not going to go on and on. But I do have to say that one of my favorite things about this birth was the intensively supportive environment both Joe and Colleen’s aunt created in that little hospital room. It was chance that Colleen’s aunt was visiting from Fort Yukon when Colleen went into labor – and amazing kismet. Colleen later joked that she has kind of served as the family’s doula, as she had attended her own daughters’ births and also Colleen’s sister’s birth, and now she was here for Colleen as well. And even though she isn’t (technically speaking) an actual doula, this is one of the births that springs to my mind when I think about doula-assisted births and the incredible connection women can forge during labor. Colleen and her aunt went into the zone together: they maintained a deep connection through Colleen’s intense back labor as her aunt coached, encouraged, and supported her, always with Joe by her side.

And when Rowan finally arrived, there was so much love in the room, it spilled out into the hallway. (Literally! Unbeknownst to her, Colleen’s mom, dad, and sister had shown up at the hospital – in the middle of the night! – to check on her and were actually standing in the hallway in time to hear Rowan’s first cries. Some of my favorite images from this birth are those of the overwhelmed grandparents and auntie gazing at Rowan through the nursery window as he was examined.)

Daisy + Fritz: Love - Fairbanks Wedding Photographer

This past winter, I was asked to shoot my first wedding. It’s not my usual specialty, or even my usual pot of tea – but the bride happened to be my cousin, Daisy, and the groom my cousin-in-law-to-be, Fritz. And, the wedding was in December – in Kauai.

(Pauses.) Let me think about that for a second… I’d love to do it!

In all seriousness, though, it soon became apparent that this wedding, while challenging – as all events are – would be extremely enjoyable to shoot: it was a small, mostly family affair, and a relatively casual, semi- to not-very- traditional ceremony and reception. Basically, I was surrounded by a swarm cousins, aunts, and uncles (and my own immediate family, of course) for a week as we Alaskans descended upon the island en masse, and I had a great excuse to have my camera out all the time.

And it was just lovely, to the extreme. Going back through the pictures as I finally get them up on the blog puts me right back there on that beautiful island…and during this strange, late, and now extremely smokey Fairbanks summer, I have to admit that it’s a welcome reprieve.