I am so excited to finally share this session.
I love, love, love it.
The family is gorgeous and the pictures are great, yes. But I also have a personal connection with this session. These are friends who were mere days away from moving across the country – all the way to Vermont! – and this is how we said goodbye.
We wanted to do some family pictures before they left, and we knew we wanted to do them in their home, the amazingly gorgeous structure that Matt designed and built with his own two hands. We had talked about it once or twice when I came across a session done by one of my favorite photographic inspirations, the lifestyle photographer Suzanne Gipson. Her session was titled A Sentimental Goodbye and it featured a family saying goodbye to their home immediately before moving.
And it moved me. To tears. I sent Heather the link, and she reported tears on her end, too. We wanted to do a session like this.
And so we did. It was a wildly wonderful day to take this inspiration and run with the creative license; to try to create – and capture – authentic remembrances of the last moments in this home, of this sweet phase of their life. It was challenging, emotionally and artistically, in the best way possible.
I hope its beauty shines through for you, too.