Lifestyle Family

Sarah & Garrett: Lifestyle Couples Session

Sarah and Garrett asked me to shoot this session during their last few weeks in Fairbanks, at their home in family housing on the UAF campus.  It was their first home as a married couple, and they had really cherished their first few happy years there.  This session was a way to document and memorialize this time of their lives, and also part of the process of saying goodbye to their first home together.  I absolutely loved being invited to capture the story their home and their lives together told.  Sarah and Garrett have since moved on to the Anchorage area for some post-graduate work and just recently welcomed their first child.  I can only imagine the cuteness that must be happening in their current home.  :)

Signe, Hamish, & Saskia: Mother + Child - Fairbanks Lifestyle Family Photographer

I’m lucky to have such lovely friends who agree to let me photograph them incessantly. : ) Signe and I wanted to do some babywearing portraits, and luckily, she let me turn this into a Mother + Child session with her two little ones as we played in the botanical gardens. It was just beautiful (as you can see).

As I said in my last post on Mother + Child sessions, I have a real passion for these “little sessions” (40 minutes). I think it’s just wonderful to design an activity that mother and child love to do together, to pull mom out from behind the camera and put her in her family’s spotlight for real. It’s so important for mom to be in the picture, and I believe it so much that there are several putting-my-money-where-my-mouth-is posts in the works. : )

For now, please enjoy these lovely images!

Vivian's Fresh 48 - Fairbanks Newborn Photographer

Oh, sweet little Vivian: such a gleefully squawky, spunky itty bitty bit of a peanut. Funny story: the pictures you see below were actually supposed to be maternity pictures – but SOMEONE decided to make her entrance a whole five weeks early, on the very weekend we had photos scheduled! So goes the wonderfully unpredictable world of birth and babies. It was a bit of a no-lose situation, though, because we got to take these incredible lifestyle newborn images instead, shortly after Vivian was welcomed home by her loving parents and her fur sibling, Sadie. I have to tell you – I have never seen a dog more enamored with a newborn. It was HILARIOUS.

Enjoy! And be sure you check back soon to see the family photos we did later in the fall (I’ll link to that post here once it’s published).

The Ranson Family - Fairbanks Lifestyle Family Photographer

This winter, I had some time to really reflect on what it was I wanted to pursue with indoor, lifestyle family sessions – how to capture the essence I was really after. How to be more confident in the vision as I designed it, and how to ensure that vision was coming through to others. It meant a lot of thinking, and ultimately challenging myself in a slightly new way.

As is the case with most growth, it was challenging, but rewarding tenfold. I was so excited to design and shoot this session I could hardly wait.

And this family did not disappoint. These three girls and their parents are such an amazing family, and I am so thankful I had the opportunity to document the bits and pieces that make up their everyday. So much speaks through these pictures: the strong, strong, and remarkably unique relationship each parent has with each child; their gentle voices; the girls’ vibrant personalities; and a very down-to-earth confidence and self-reliance. (This is a family that makes not only its own bread and root beer, but also gymnastics leotards, miniature hockey tables, and jungle gyms!) It was such great fun to be a part of their lives for a few short hours. I hope they feel I captured their hearts well.

The Tate Family - Fairbanks Lifestyle Family, Maternity Photographer

I know, I know. If I say “I love this session!” on every single post, it might start to sound a little less than genuine – or, at the very least, trite. The truth is, I have been so very fortunate to really enjoy all of my clients and to love the images which result from their sessions. They challenge me, force me to grow and hone my gaze, and all the while appreciate the absolute beauty in front of my camera.

All of that said, I will admit that within my universal admiration for my clients, there is a particularly special thrill that occurs when I’m contacted by someone who shares the same excitement and sense of creativity and exploration about a lifestyle session as I do. (I get that it can be kind of a weird thing to get excited about, I do.) But when it happens, it’s magic of the best kind.

This was one of those times. This session was a gift (what a sweet birthday gift!), but the entire family was on board with the mission: to capture this sweet, special time in their life, which was just a few short months before they welcomed their beautiful second child earthside.

These pictures are more than just pictures. In its own way, each is a time capsule. There’s one in particular of Gabe with his LEGOs that I end up staring at whenever I come across it, because I can’t help but see more than a boy and his toys. It seems to sum up everything – the look on his face, his single-minded focus and determination, the soft curve of his cheeks and the last hints of baby roundness about his fingers: this is Gabe at three.

It’s a powerful thing to have in a photograph. And I am so, so glad this family chose me to capture this time in their lives for them.

Lucy - Fairbanks Lifestyle Family Photographer

I am so excited to finally share this session.

I love, love, love it.

The family is gorgeous and the pictures are great, yes. But I also have a personal connection with this session. These are friends who were mere days away from moving across the country – all the way to Vermont! – and this is how we said goodbye.

We wanted to do some family pictures before they left, and we knew we wanted to do them in their home, the amazingly gorgeous structure that Matt designed and built with his own two hands. We had talked about it once or twice when I came across a session done by one of my favorite photographic inspirations, the lifestyle photographer Suzanne Gipson. Her session was titled A Sentimental Goodbye and it featured a family saying goodbye to their home immediately before moving.

And it moved me. To tears. I sent Heather the link, and she reported tears on her end, too. We wanted to do a session like this.

And so we did. It was a wildly wonderful day to take this inspiration and run with the creative license; to try to create – and capture – authentic remembrances of the last moments in this home, of this sweet phase of their life. It was challenging, emotionally and artistically, in the best way possible.

I hope its beauty shines through for you, too.

Birdie - Fairbanks Lifestyle Family Photographer

This was one of the two sessions I did this summer with families who had grandparents visiting in order to meet their grandbabies for the first time. Both sessions were so very special; it was so lovely to see these families set aside the moment to not only document, but to also really savor each other. We had {perhaps too much} fun, and I feel very fortunate to have been there to take part.

I thoroughly enjoyed this session – and between Somer’s smile and miss Birdie Mae’s eyes, how could you go wrong? (True story: I love Birdie’s name so much, I briefly considered stealing it for my own baby girl! Don’t worry, though, Somer – you’re safe!) In all seriousness, though, this entire family was just radiant, and it was a pleasure to have them in front of my camera.

I hope you love these images as much as I do!

Espen - Fairbanks Lifestyle Family Photographer

As you might have noticed, I’ve been behind on blogging lately. Shamefully so, and you have my sincerest apologies. As a lifelong Alaskan, you’d think I’d know better, but it seems that as every winter approaches, I think about the long, dark indoor months ahead and start to pile on activity after activity, task after task, onto my calendar to fill those winter months… forgetting that it’s still possible to overdo it! At any rate, however, the daylight is steadily increasing and I’m re-dedicating myself to getting caught up before spring strikes us full force.

Which is all to say that I’ve waited way too long to get this particular session up and featured on the blog, because I love it. Macinsey originally contacted me about doing a Fresh 48 session for their first child, but little Espen had other plans and arrived before we’d managed to get plans in place! Since their first few weeks went not-quite-as-expected, Macinsey asked if I would instead be able to do a lifestyle baby session with them later in the fall, so they’d have recent pictures of the baby to gift to their family for the holidays.

And so that’s exactly what we did. Macinsey and I met briefly for coffee in order to design a lifestyle session to take place in their home on Fort Wainwright, and I just love the results – and I hope you do, too. These photographs exemplify why lifestyle photography is my passion: I love capturing those slice-of-life images, freezing the moment when two people glance at each other or gaze at their new baby; the authentic smiles, unconscious caresses, and gently intimate moments that occur between a family in love.