Birth Photography

The Birth of Petra - Fairbanks Birth Photographer

This was such a special birth to witness - especially so since Petra's older brother is one of few births I've ever missed!!  (You can read that story here.)  Since her last labor had moved so quickly, Tricia proceeded with caution as her due date neared - very justifiably, as it turned out.  As soon as she recognized a pattern to the gentle contractions she was feeling, we all convened at the birth center - and very quickly, it became apparent that it was no false alarm.  

Petra joined us under the nearing dusk of the midnight sun, born into the waiting hands of her father, and she is simply THE most beautiful baby.  Don't you agree?  

The Birth of Raleigh - Fairbanks Birth Photographer

As I have written in recent entries, I am way behind on blogging. Way. And I’ve found myself in the quintessential procrastinator’s bind with this story: I wanted to sit on this birth story until I had the time and mental peace of mind to do it justice. But at the same time, I can’t justify sitting on it any longer because it’s too beautiful not to share.

So, here we are!

I was thrilled when Heather asked me to document the story of her third child’s birth. Heather and her husband Ben are in Fairbanks with the military, and this birth held a lot of weight for them: Ben had been deployed for the birth of their second child, and he was scheduled to deploy again just a few weeks after her due date with this baby. They were so looking forward to experiencing this birth and welcoming their baby boy earthside together.

Heather had a history of fairly fast labors, so I was posed to jump on my phone pretty much every second of every day leading up to her EDD. After one false alarm, early one morning the real deal arrived and we all flew into action. I joined Heather and Ben at Bassett Army Community Hospital. Though it soon became clear that Heather wouldn’t be able to have the water birth she had hoped for (the tub simply wasn’t available that day), she was able to rely on her plan for a natural birth and the hypnobirth techniques she had studied.

The connection between Heather and Ben was an amazing thing to watch. I have to tell you, it broke my heart into a million pieces – in the best possible way – to hear Heather whisper, “I’m so glad you’re here” to Ben in between contractions. They danced through labor together, literally: Ben took Heather’s lead and supported her while they swayed and leaned into the intensity of her surges. The staff at the hospital was amazingly supportive and did their best to provide the experience Heather wanted, offering her the shower (and even preparing to catch a baby in there, should it be necessary!) so she could have the relief of the water. Eventually, she ended up back in bed, and I watched her enter the “trance” so often described in hypnobirthing. She completely relaxed her body, her hands open and loose, and let transition wash over her. There’s simply no way to do it justice with words.

I typed a few notes on my phone during the quiet moments about what I wanted to write about this birth, and the main musing I had was that it’s really no mystery why the terminology and visual imagery of goddess gets used so frequently in the realm of birth. Heather was simply a goddess, radiant through the steepest climes. It was incredible to witness, and again grounded me in what an honor it is to be able to attend births.

And then, he was here. Raleigh was born with a sweet squawking cry. There was meconium in the amniotic fluid, so he had a quick little exam before he was received into the loving arms of his parents, but once he was there, it was clear their hearts were full.

Oh, Raleigh. I get a little choked up going back through these images!

The Birth of Emily Scarlett - Fairbanks Birth Photographer

I am really honored to have been a part of this birth story. And what an incredible birth story it is – it’s a story so great that it actually starts waaaaay before the pregnancy did!

So, let’s start at the beginning.

This is an adorable family. (For real. Jim was actually named the Hottest Dad in America! And clearly, Angela is no slouch herself, either.) When Angela was telling me this story, she said that the most meaningful aspect of the experience of being named the Hottest Dad in America wasn’t the title – it was that Jim got to appear on national tv and talk about how passionate he was about parenting, and to share that message.

After getting the opportunity to see Jim with his kids at our Fresh48 session, I have to say that this comes as no surprise. Both Jim and Angela possess that rare quality of being able to see the world through their children’s eyes, and I saw them approach their eldest three children’s first introduction to their new sibling with patience, empathy, and a giddy excitement that could only be called childlike – in the best way possible.

But back to the birth!

So, Jim and Angela had their three beautiful children, decided they were done, and – well – Jim underwent a certain surgical procedure that is often described as permanent birth control. : ) And some years later, Angela began to wonder if she was having a change of heart. Angela is a photographer based in North Pole (of the eponymous Angela Tritle Photography) and sees a lot of high school seniors, and their parents, in her studio for portraits. She told me that she often ended up chatting with the parents during the sessions – and she was surprised how often she heard them say that they wished they’d had more children.

Angela really wanted to make sure that they too weren’t going to experience this regret, and so she and Jim really took it upon themselves to revisit the issue and really, really think about the baby question. As you may have already guessed given the nature of this post, it soon became clear that yes, they did want to pursue having more children.

It was a long journey, but from that point, they maintained faith that the pieces would fall into place and that they would find a path to their dream. And fall into place they did, including a trip out of state for a surgical reversal. And that was how I ended up in a coffee shop with Angela when she was about eight months pregnant, glowing, and very, very excited.

Angela had a natural, drug-free birth planned and had arranged to labor in the hospital’s tub if circumstances permitted. Her previous three labors had been relatively quick, so when I got the text that she was in labor, I was ready to fly into action. And I stayed ready…for hours! To everyone’s surprise, this little girl was taking her time. I finally joined them at the hospital in the evening and had a lovely time hanging out with Angela, Jim, and Angela’s sister, who was there to take video. Though she still was only dilated to about 3 cm, the contractions were starting to get uncomfortable, and the CNM gave the go-ahead to get into the tub.

It was there that labor soon began in earnest, and the amazing relationship between Jim and Angela really began to shine. Jim stayed by Angela’s side every second and was absolutely her rock – calm, steady, supporting, and strong. It was amazingly poignant to watch. After an early labor that poked along for an entire day, Angela’s labor was suddenly moving fast, and it became incredibly intense – so much so that during transition, Angela was left literally gasping for breath. At one point, she dilated almost three centimeters in the 40 minutes between checks – crazy fast. Later, she said it felt like she was being split in two. All we could figure is that baby finally decided to shift her position, and once she did, she was on her way down!

It was around this time that Angela asked for an epidural. It was so amazingly intense. However, it was clear – to everyone in the room except for the woman in labor – that there was no way an anesthesiologist would be able to get there before the baby did! Luckily, however, her CNM appeared and was able to tell her just how close everything was – and suddenly, carts were being wheeled in willy-nilly and Angela was about to meet her baby.

Emily Scarlett was born en caul (being born “in the caul” refers to an amniotic sac that remains intact through birth) – in a scant few pushes she was in her mother’s arms. The room was full of joy, and the rosy squalls of a beautiful baby with a fuzzy head of hair.

Nothing. Beats. That. Moment.

The Birth of Claire Michelle - Fairbanks Birth Photographer

This was such a triumphant birth, and I am so honored to have been a part of it. Heather and Tony had been awaiting the birth of their first child – a “surprise” baby (they had waited to learn the sex of the baby until the birth) – and were soooo ready to meet {her, as it turns out!}. They had a lovely natural childbirth planned: in addition to their desire for a drug-free labor, Heather specified immediate skin-to-skin contact in her birth plan, and – most exciting of all – their care provider was on board with Tony catching the baby, if circumstances allowed.

And to kill the suspense now: they did it! They had what I consider to be am eminently beautiful birth, though it didn’t go exactly as planned (as they rarely do), in that Heather had to be placed on some induction drugs when her waters partially ruptured, but labor hadn’t picked up on its own. As mamas who have experienced pitocin for themselves know well, it’s a drug that causes contractions that are notoriously intense. Throughout her long labor (and back labor at that), Heather understandably considered an epidural several times. Each time, her support team – including her care provider – served as the perfect sounding board, asking her if she was sure it was what she really wanted, and providing the encouragement that she could make it. It was wonderful to see a support team so empathetically and respectfully honor the spirit of the wishes Heather had stated in the birth plan.

And make it she did, triumphantly. And if that wasn’t enough to make this an amazing birth, Tony caught the baby (with their care provider’s hands always right there to show him what to do)! It was an incredibly emotional thing to witness, and I can’t find the words to express how much I love the series of photographs as the baby was making her way earthside. Another favorite of image of mine from this birth, captured soon after, is perhaps the best “It’s a girl!” picture ever – Heather and Tony are both just so happy, their smiles spill out of the picture, and I can still hear their exclamations and laughter.

They named her Claire Michelle, and she was just the tiniest, sweetest little baby you have ever seen. But I’ll leave you to be the judge!

The Birth of Rowan - Fairbanks Birth Photographer

This little guy’s family was soooo ready to meet him – especially by the end of a labor that spanned almost two full days and nights! But both Rowan and his mom, Colleen, hung in there until the very end.

In an effort to write less and let the pictures tell the story, I’m not going to go on and on. But I do have to say that one of my favorite things about this birth was the intensively supportive environment both Joe and Colleen’s aunt created in that little hospital room. It was chance that Colleen’s aunt was visiting from Fort Yukon when Colleen went into labor – and amazing kismet. Colleen later joked that she has kind of served as the family’s doula, as she had attended her own daughters’ births and also Colleen’s sister’s birth, and now she was here for Colleen as well. And even though she isn’t (technically speaking) an actual doula, this is one of the births that springs to my mind when I think about doula-assisted births and the incredible connection women can forge during labor. Colleen and her aunt went into the zone together: they maintained a deep connection through Colleen’s intense back labor as her aunt coached, encouraged, and supported her, always with Joe by her side.

And when Rowan finally arrived, there was so much love in the room, it spilled out into the hallway. (Literally! Unbeknownst to her, Colleen’s mom, dad, and sister had shown up at the hospital – in the middle of the night! – to check on her and were actually standing in the hallway in time to hear Rowan’s first cries. Some of my favorite images from this birth are those of the overwhelmed grandparents and auntie gazing at Rowan through the nursery window as he was examined.)

The Birth of Oliver Kai - Fairbanks Birth Photographer

I’ve been sitting on this beautiful birth story for far too long – it’s time to share!

I was thrilled when Alison and Manny first asked me about shooting the birth of their second child. And just I suspected it would be, it was a great birth to be a part of. Earlier in her pregnancy, Alison invited me to her blessingway (if you’re unfamiliar with blessingways – sometimes called Mother Blessings – this is a good link here) because she considered me an important part of her birth team. It was a lovely thought at the time, and it came to the forefront of my mind again when I arrived at the hospital to meet them on the very, very early morning of the birth. I was greeted by a spartan, and yet entire, community of birthing support, from her magnificent doula Tristan of Loving Lotus Doula Services, to her friend and babysitter, tasked with keeping an eye on the two-year-olds, to, of course, Manny, dad-to-be, who was eminently tuned in to Alison’s progress. In a way, it felt like we were simply picking up the blessingway where it left off – and very much like we were witnessing it come to its natural and intended conclusion! The mood was overwhelmingly calm and sure; Alison was amazing, and seemed completely in control the entire time.

Alison suspected her labor might be a quick one, and she was right: not long after 8 am, Ian got to witness the birth of his surprise little brother, who was quickly passed up into his mother’s elated embrace. It’s hard to say which part of any birth was ‘my favorite’ – for obvious reasons – but I will say that I just loved capturing this new family of four’s first few hours together.

Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this birth. Welcome earthside, Oliver Kai!

The Birth of Jacob - Fairbanks Birth Photographer

Well, it’s a day to celebrate – the sun is (finally) out, the snow is (finally) beginning to melt, mud is (finally) beginning to make an appearance… and I finally have a second to sit down and share this beautiful birth story!

This was such a peaceful, powerful birth. (And as a side note, whenever I refer to a birth as “peaceful,” I am by no means trying to deny the extraordinary intensity or power of birth, or to minimize the gamut of physical and emotional trials experienced by the mother…rather, I speak to the overall atmosphere of quiet, confidence, and, for lack of a better word, tranquility that is somehow achieved even in the presence of such raw travail.) Both maternal grandparents were present, and the arrival of Jacob was very much a joyous family event.

Instead of yammering on and on like usual, I’m going to let the pictures tell most of the story for once! But there one is other thing I have to note, of course: one of the things that made this birth extra special was that it was the second-ever birth to take place at the Alaska Family Health & Birth Center’s brand-new facility. (I, for one, can’t wait to go back!)

Welcome earthside, Jacob John-Michael!

The Birth of Ezra - Fairbanks Birth Photographer

Earlier this spring (and I’m using the word “spring” liberally here…), I had the pleasure of photographing the birth of Keturah and Mark’s third child at Bassett Army Community Hospital, located on Fort Wainwright.
Keturah spent months carefully planning her first all-natural childbirth with the help of Bassett’s amazing midwives. And I have to say – when the moment of truth arrived, it certainly seemed that all her preparations had paid off. The morning of birth started off mellow enough – enough that though Keturah had woken up with contractions, Mark still went to work because they weren’t sure if it was “the real thing” or not (only to be called home an hour later, of course). At that point, things began to pick up pretty quickly, and we made arrangements to meet at Bassett. When I got there, it was clear that things were progressing in earnest, but Keturah and Mark met every stage of labor with calm, premeditated grace. The labor ended up moving fast (much faster than the under-manned staff on the maternity ward initially anticipated – there were some expressions of surprise), but even through the intense moments, Keturah remained centered with Mark’s steady support. Their connection was palpable, and I’m so glad I had the opportunity to capture some of their shared moments on film.

Ezra Nehemiah was born not too long after the sun finally came up, directly into the arms of his mother. It seemed like the sun was just pouring through the windows…the morning certainly didn’t need the weather to make it any more beautiful, but I will at the same time admit that it did seem appropriate.  

Welcome earthside, Ezra Nehemiah, and thank you, Mark and Keturah, for having me there at your birth.

The Birth of Atticus - Fairbanks Birth Photographer

Right from the start, Atticus seemed determined to let everyone know that while he may be small, he has OPINIONS. For example, he decided at the last moment that he didn’t feel like being born at the birth center, as his parents had carefully planned. He didn’t want any midwives at home, either, and he didn’t really care for the idea of having a photographer present. And so, ten minutes before midnight, on his due date, Atticus was born, at home, into the sure, calm hands of his father.

Tricia had been in early labor for a good part of the day, but she wasn’t really convinced it was leading to anything; around 9 pm she texted me to say that she thought things might be slowing down a bit, and she was hoping to sleep through the night and try to get things going the next day.

Atticus had other plans.

When things picked up, they picked up FAST. Just before ten-thirty pm, Tricia texted me and told me to put on a pot of coffee after all, because her water had just broken! She would let me know when they were headed to the birth center, and I would meet them there. I proceeded to “watch” tv with my husband while I had a cup of coffee and fiddled with my phone until just before midnight – at which point I got a text from Tricia’s mom saying they had decided there wasn’t time to head to the birth center, and they were having the baby at home. I flew down the stairs, got directions from Tricia’s mom, and was out the door. Tricia’s mom wasn’t actually with them – but she’d been talking to Adam, Tricia’s husband. (And little did we know, but Atticus had actually made his appearance mere moments before I even got Tricia’s mom’s first text.) I met her at the bank of mailboxes along the side of road and followed her the rest of the way to their home. We were both slightly giddy and mildly frantic – we burst into the house just as Adam was coming down the stairs to get something, and we asked him, “Did we get here in time?!?”

And then we heard Atticus’ sweet voice from upstairs.

It turns out he’d been born about forty minutes before we got there – which was also twenty minutes before their midwife, Dana, arrived, though she had been consulting with them on the phone as she drove once it became apparent this baby thing was HAPPENING. And so his was a complete surprise, unassisted (daddy-caught, that is) home birth. I’m told his big brother slept peacefully through the birth and groggily emerged when baby noises penetrated his dreams. He got some quick cuddles in and then went to spend the rest of the night with his grandma and grandpa before I got there.

Tricia and Adam were basking the glow of their new baby, trace amounts amazed and almost bewildered by the tiny person with opinions so big. To his great credit, Adam was decidedly unfazed by the whole experience; Tricia said that since he was never scared or shocked or panicked about what was happening, she too was able to stay calm and grounded. To be present in that room after such a momentous event was a beautiful thing, and these photographs take me right back that moment.

Congratulations, Tricia, Adam, and Aiden, and welcome, Atticus! The world is so glad you are here.

To more of Atticus at a ripe old 18 hours old, please see Atticus’ Fresh 48 Session.

The Birth of Jozannah Maria - Fairbanks Birth Photographer

I feel very fortunate to have met Tamara and Devon as they made their last preparations before becoming parents for the first time. They contacted me about birth photography because they are extremely new to the Fairbanks area; they only moved to Eielson about six weeks before I met them. Devon is originally from the South, but his wife has him beat: she’s from Australia! Since they are both so far away from home and from all their family, they wanted someone there to capture the moment for them so they would be able to share it with everyone, ’round the other side of the world. Tamara actually also made one of my very favorite points about birth photography: since I would be there, Devon was free to focus on and participate fully in the birth of his child, without having to worry about taking pictures (or forgetting to take pictures!).

I was immediately extremely excited to shoot the birth. Well – I’m super excited to shoot every birth. But this one held some firsts for me: it was to be the first birth I’ve ever attended at the military hospital. Also, Tamara and Devon both simply glowed about their baby – Tamara told me, “We’re just so honored to be parents.” (A few eyes may have teared up at this point.)

We did not know it at the time, but this ultimately would also be the first c-section I have photographed. Tamara meticulously researched natural childbirth during her pregnancy, and she had a beautiful waterbirth planned, and I truly feel honored to have been there to see how her care providers attended to and fulfilled her wishes in every way they possibly could. Everyone in that room gave it all they possibly could – no one more than Tamara. Every time I look through these pictures, I am again amazed (and, admittedly, a little choked up) at her strength and dedication, her refusal to give up, and her joy that she was at the precipice of meeting her baby.

Ultimately, however, baby made it clear that this bath thing was not happening, and after hours of pushing and a second trial of pitocin, the decision was finally made that a c-section was necessary. Later, both parents recounted to me the audible “POP!” they heard when the baby – whose sex was a surprise (it’s a girl!)- was finally dislodged from mom’s pelvis, where she was firmly stuck, her little head cocked ever-so-slightly (and ever-so-sassily) to the side. Devon was able to wheel tiny baby Jozannah right back to their room while Tamara was still in the OR, joining us shortly thereafter.

When Tamara held her baby for the first time, she said, “Oh, baby, you are the love of my life.”

The love in the room was palpable. I’ll let you see for yourself.

Welcome earthside, Jozannah Maria!