I’ve been sitting on this beautiful birth story for far too long – it’s time to share!
I was thrilled when Alison and Manny first asked me about shooting the birth of their second child. And just I suspected it would be, it was a great birth to be a part of. Earlier in her pregnancy, Alison invited me to her blessingway (if you’re unfamiliar with blessingways – sometimes called Mother Blessings – this is a good link here) because she considered me an important part of her birth team. It was a lovely thought at the time, and it came to the forefront of my mind again when I arrived at the hospital to meet them on the very, very early morning of the birth. I was greeted by a spartan, and yet entire, community of birthing support, from her magnificent doula Tristan of Loving Lotus Doula Services, to her friend and babysitter, tasked with keeping an eye on the two-year-olds, to, of course, Manny, dad-to-be, who was eminently tuned in to Alison’s progress. In a way, it felt like we were simply picking up the blessingway where it left off – and very much like we were witnessing it come to its natural and intended conclusion! The mood was overwhelmingly calm and sure; Alison was amazing, and seemed completely in control the entire time.
Alison suspected her labor might be a quick one, and she was right: not long after 8 am, Ian got to witness the birth of his surprise little brother, who was quickly passed up into his mother’s elated embrace. It’s hard to say which part of any birth was ‘my favorite’ – for obvious reasons – but I will say that I just loved capturing this new family of four’s first few hours together.
Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this birth. Welcome earthside, Oliver Kai!