Booking Now: Milk Bath & Herbal Bath Sessions

I know the bathtub might seem like a weird place for a session, but seriously, it's magic every. time.  


Hear me out.

Milk baths have been a "thing" since the time of Cleopatra, who was said to have bathed in "the milk of asses" (of the donkey variety) as part of her beauty regimen.  The lactic acid in the milk acts as a mild exfoliant for the skin; the fat makes a natural moisturizer; aaaaand it's just plain cool.  Add some epsom and essential oils (and perhaps a few flowers...) and it's a beautiful experience, inside and out.  

Herbal baths have long been a favorite of mine, first and foremost for their soothing, restorative properties so appreciated by the bodies of new mamas and new babies alike.  (I have more information about why herbal baths are so darn cool on my FAQ page.)

They're also really pretty.  

I am now offering stand-alone bath sessions for a special rate of $250 for those wanting a unique and beautiful maternity, newborn, or mother + child session.  Sessions include all bath supplies, up to 30 minutes of shooting in the tub, and a complete set of 15-25 high resolution finished images + print release. 

AND.  'Tis almost the season for outdoor milk baths (yes, it's possible!), so sign up to take advantage of the sun while you can!  

If you have any questions or would like to talk about booking your session, please drop me a line!