Jordan and Dekar are definitely one of my favorite sets of twins. (Which is an easier thing than most to say, since I don’t actually know that many sets of twins!) They’re turning five soon, and their parents wanted to do a really fun photo shoot while it was still summer.
And did they ever have fun! I think it’s safe to say that all four of us (me, Jordan, Dekar, and their mom Melanie) all had a great time on this late-summer evening on at the playground. To me, this session really captured so much of what I love about lifestyle photography: instead of a series of canned smiles (granted, of which there are a few, lol), the kids’ personalities shine through. I love seeing their character and spunk, their adventuresome nature and care-taking instincts.
They caught the spirit of the photoshoot right away, and 99% of the “poses” are of their own creative making (including the one in which they’re “mooning” me, lol. Little imps!).
Happy (almost) birthday, Jordan and Dekar!