Merry Christmas - Fairbanks Family Photographer

This motherhood gig, you guys.  It's no joke.  Case in point: I was saving this treasured session so that I could time its debut on the blog with the actual holiday season.  And then, of course, it slipped my mind.  

I'm going to take the chance that some of you are up for extending the holiday spirit for just a little bit longer.  Even though January has mostly passed us by at this point, allow me to transport us back to Christmas!

This session is so incredibly special, and I can take no credit for it.  It's Shilo's brainchild - when presented with the opportunity of the winter holidays and all of her children's grandparents in town, she realized what a moment in time it was - one that, as crazy as life is, may not be repeated for quite some time.  And so she asked me to document it.  

So here are Malachy, Rowan, and Rainey building gingerbread houses with their grandparents.

Megan + Erik: Love - Fairbanks Wedding Photographer

Once upon a time, my beloved best friend from my grad school days asked if I would fly to Salt Lake to photograph her wedding.  

I'm pretty sure you already know my answer. 

It's -20F as I write this at home in Fairbanks, and it it's the perfect morning to relive the sunny elation that was this celebration.  It couldn't have been more perfect: planned from the heart, its quirky blend of glam and come-as-you-are couldn't have encapsulated Megan and Erik better.  I love Megan's vintage-themed couture and the fact that the wedding was held on a concrete pad (accessibility was important for elderly relatives) at a campsite in the mountains an hour away from their home.

It's been almost exactly two years since this day, but you know what?  It's never a bad day to relive the celebration of love.  

North Pole Physical Therapy - Fairbanks Commercial Photographer

Working with other local businesses is immensely gratifying for me - I love forging relationships with other small business owners and getting to watch our respective businesses grow and evolve. 

I'm thrilled to be working with North Pole Physical Therapy to get their website all decked out with images that catalog the extent of their services.  Custom-designed images that feature their staff, their patients, and above all, our unique interior environment say so much more about their business and their personality than any generic stock photo ever could.  

Are you looking to get your website outfitted with photographs that encapsulate the vibrance and unique character of your business?  Shoot me an email and we'll talk! 

Stray Kat Kustoms {featuring Enderle Photography} - Fairbanks Commercial Photographer

Last summer, my friend Annie of Enderle Photography and I had a really fun opportunity: we were asked to photograph the owners and employees of local North Pole garage Stray Kat Kustoms for a commercial project that is, as of this writing, still under wraps, so I can't say too much about it.  But it was a boatload of fun.  It wasn't too much of a stretch to set them up like rockstars.  I mean, how great would they look on an album cover?...  

Judith's Solstice Maternity Session - Fairbanks Family Photographer

In real time, we've just passed the winter solstice and welcomed the new year full of gratitude for our few extra minutes of light a day.  We've got months to go before we get there, but part of me is already craving the long stretches of sun of summer.  This session is one of my favorite cheats, so to speak - it completely encapsulates the summer solstice season for me.  

The Fresh 48 Session that is the other bookend of this family's year will hit the blog soon as well.  Stay tuned!  

The Faceless Portrait - Fairbanks Lifestyle Photographer

To be completely honest with you, sometimes I feel like I'm a bit of a weirdo when I share that some of my favorite images from a session are ones in which you can't necessarily see anyone's face.  

I feel weird because I know that, for many people, the impetus to get family portraits is to show everyone what they look like - literally.  They're for grandparents, far away friends and family, and you need to show how the kids have grown, how you've changed, what you look like now.  Often, I've seen that as much as you may have wanted to document your family anyway, often the push that makes it come to 'shove' is a grandparent leaning in your ear (or outright buying a gift certificate, which is a great idea by the way, haha).  

And this is completely legitimate, especially so when family lives out-of-state, especially so when little kids grow so fast, and especially so when traveling to and from Alaska is...well, it's its own blog post.  

Nevertheless, though, I will continue to advocate for nontraditional portraits of your family, because in my personal experience I've found that it's those unexpected imaged that are the most treasured in the years to come.  We'll get the photos of what you look like, sure.  I always make sure we get "the Christmas card photo," as I call it, for your parents.  And then, for you, we'll get photos of what you are.

I think I continue to write about this because I wish I'd had more of an understanding of it going into parenthood.  (At the same time, it seems to be one of those things you have to learn firsthand, so don't ask me why I keep writing about it!)  As much as we hear "it goes so fast" and "the years fly by" over and over again, no caution quite compares to the personal realization that time really has pulled a number on you.  We go from being on the receiving end of "you got so big!," "How did you grow up so much?," "It seems like yesterday you were a baby!" one second, to being the one to run into a former toddler whom you used to nanny (who is now in college) the next, and hearing the same words come out of your own mouth.  

Time pulls a number on you. 

And with that I wanted to share a recent favorite from a family session.  This is two-week-old Theodore and his mama, and even though you can't see their faces I see a whole world encapsulated in this photo.  In just a few weeks he won't fit in the crook of her neck like that.  In a few months he might not nuzzle to sleep that way any more.  And in a year he'll be a whole different animal, a toddler in the throes of mini-adolescence.  

But every time his mama looks at this photograph, she has the time machine back to what life was at this moment.  

The Birth of Lyra Beatrix - Fairbanks Birth Photographer

I'm so happy to be able to share another birth story written in the mama's own words here.  But even more, I'm so happy I had the chance to meet Miriam and Travis (and of course Lyra!).  I'm feeling a little sappy about it at the moment, because this sweet little family just relocated outside of the state, and I can confidently say it's Fairbanks' loss.  In addition to being a badass mama, Miriam is in the process of becoming a doula to serve other women through their childbearing year.  And she's just really, really great.  (Case in point: not everyone can successfully pull off playfully comparing parenting to Stockholm Syndrome.)  

Before I turn the reins over to Miriam, I wanted to share just one fond recollection I have from this birth: Miriam had the best labor playlist I've ever heard, hands down.  

Here are Miriam's words, written shortly after Lyra's birth in 2015 and originally published on her blog, Of Moose and Miriam.  


It has been six weeks since the birth of my little stomach dweller, and it has been a whirlwind. My mom arrived a week before my due date, just in time to help me with my last few nesting chores. And also we binge watched a lot of "Call the Midwife" and "X-files." I'm pretty sure Lyra recognizes the X-files theme song now, to be honest. I was thrilled to have someone to hang out with me during the day, and Travis was thrilled to have someone else I could voice my complaints to. At this point, I was convinced Lyra would be late.  In addition, I was hormonal about how I would soon have to share my baby and miss my baby kicks from the inside. Not rational, but neither is pregnancy. Also, I could not sleep; I could not waddle very fast anymore; I had to pee approximately 45,673 times per day; even looking at food gave me heartburn; and my random contractions that I'd been having for months were getting more painful but staying completely unproductive.

I could not sleep the night before my due date. Travis was scheduled to work a day shift and his family was due to arrive at midnight. Once I gave up on sleep around four in the morning, I got up and began pacing around the house while Travis got ready for work. I started having quite a lot of contractions but they barely hurt and I'd been playing this game of random contractions for a while.

Side note: we found out during a trip to the hospital at 34 weeks that I have a super irritable uterus. Luckily we didn't have an early baby, we just tricked my uterus with some nifty meds. Basically the meds kicked on my flight or fight reflex and said, "Hey uterus, calm the hell down, don't drop that baby yet, we need to escape from some lions first." But, back to my due date...

I sent Travis to work and I decided to time contractions just to be sure. I assured him it was a false alarm but said I'd update him if necessary. After an hour or so of my usual slightly painful contractions every 3 or 4 minutes, I woke up my mother and insisted she vacuum my floors just in case I was in labor. I should have realized I was definitely in labor as I was forcing my mother to vacuum my house at six in the morning, but I was in denial. I had a gut feeling that when I went into labor, I'd have a fast labor, but I kept convincing myself that as a first-time mom, that couldn't be the case. But I called Travis anyway and told him he should get his crew lined up and then head home so we could just pop into the birth center when they opened to find out if I was in labor or not. My contractions started to get more painful than they'd ever been before so I timed them again and they were only 2 minutes apart. At this point I started to panic a bit and tried to finish packing my bag in between contractions and ordering my mother around. I also called Travis crying and told him to hurry up.

I did hypnobirthing but had a hard time staying relaxed since I didn't have a break between contractions so I didn't really utilize it fully. I do credit hypnobirthing for making the car ride bearable. When we got to the birth center I found out I was 4 cm and definitely in labor. My midwives told me it probably would be a while and we probably would want to wait a while to call our birth photographer. After an hour or two, contractions were getting very intense and I was worried about my ability to handle them later on if I wasn't very dilated yet and they were already this bad. However, the policy on cervical checks was only once every 4 hours so I had no idea if I was making progress. In hindsight I was already in transition and progressing very quickly. My midwives recognized this, though, and got me set up in the tub. Previously, they told us to hold off on the tub until I was further into labor. They said something like, "You know, you might want to go ahead and tell your birth photographer to get here."

My water broke while I was in the tub. It was definitely a weird sensation. I felt a big pop and then kept feeling like I was peeing uncontrollably with every contraction for an hour or so. It is only in hindsight that I had the realization that it was my waters and not pee. The midwives told me things would get "more intense" now that my water had broken. Indeed. I think it was for the "more intense" comment that I called my midwife a dirty liar. I changed my mind about having more children while in labor. I decided adoption was a pretty swell idea. Also I very much regretted not having the option of drugs and pain relief. In the end I'm glad I did everything fully naturally, but at the time I was pretty upset with past Miriam for making rash decisions. My labor went fast enough I might not have had the option for drugs anyway.

At some point, the midwives verified I was 10 cm and I started pushing. And pushing....and pushing. I pushed in the tub; on 2 different types of birthing stools; on the toilet; laying on my side; laying on my back; on all fours; on all fours with a leg pulled up in a lunge; squatting....they ran out of ideas for new positions. I pushed for so long we ended up calling for an ambulance to transfer to the hospital. In the end that wasn't needed and the paramedics sat around having tea while I gave birth at the birth center. This was why I was able to get 'decent' pictures immediately after Lyra was born; I'd been wrangled back into clothing for transferring. Most of labor I spent unclothed...except while delivering my child, ironically.

Lyra did fantastic throughout the entire labor. Her heartbeat was strong the whole time. That and the fact I kept making very slow progress while pushing were the only reasons we got to stay at the birth center. But I could tell I was a difficult customer when I had 3 midwives and an assistant attending.

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Lyra Beatrix finally made her entrance after about 11 hours of labor (5 of that was pushing!). Lyra was an incredibly alert baby as soon as she was born at 5:15 pm. Her eyes were immediately open and this really cool shade of dark gray. I had no idea babies could have that color of eyes. She was 7 lb 4 oz, smaller than I thought she'd be, but I'm so glad she wasn't bigger. She was 20.5 inches, a long baby! And she has long legs and feet, I have trouble finding her socks that fit. Her poor little head was majorly coney and pretty bruised, but no lasting harm done. Everyone says I was a very nice and quiet laboring mother, I have no idea where that alternate personality came from! I only swore a couple times, anyone who knows me knows how crazy that is!

Overall, the experience was exactly what I hoped for. It would have been great to spend a little less time pushing and to have more spaced out contractions, but we were really fortunate to have a quick and complication free labor and delivery on my due date.

Labor really set me up for parenting. I thought pushing lying down on my back would be counter productive and I would hate it. And I ended up delivering that way. Partially because I was so exhausted that it was the best position to be in. Another side note here: Travis calls this pushing position "the Mitt Romney," as he misunderstood the actual name the the midwives kept calling it. And since then, I've changed pretty much every plan I've had for Lyra. She got some jaundice after several days and wasn't eating well; there went my plan of no bottles for a while. We gave her a pacifier around 2 weeks old when we hadn't planned on using one. I struggled cleaning the cloth diapers I was set on using so we are using disposables instead. I planned on her sleeping in her bassinet but she often sleeps in our bed; something I said I'd never do. I just really like snuggles and so does she. So yeah...welcome to parenthood, apparently. But she's been a good easy baby overall.  

The last few weeks haven't been easy, but they haven't been the hardest weeks ever. The fatigue and sleep deprivation was overrated in my experience so far. I'm tired, but not a debilitating amount. Honestly, working nights was much worse.

Breastfeeding was a huge challenge. Lyra had jaundice at first and once my milk came in, we had immediate oversupply problems. Even though everyone says you're lucky to have a problem like that, you're not. It is still a problem. It has taken 6 weeks to be comfortable and be able to nurse normally without having to pump and/or catch insane amounts of leakage. We're still working on perfecting it. And I have 400 oz of breastmilk in my freezer. Plus 100 oz that I donated. That's a total of about 34 lbs of milk, around 4 gallons.

The messiness of parenthood was not overstated. I've had to catch my wildly out of control breastmilk in a wine glass. At one point I sent my mom into a fit of hysterical, turn-her-whole-face-purple laughter when I hung a couple of those bibs with pockets from my boobs to catch milk, saying I was going to patent that invention. I've been covered in projectile exorcist style spit up several times and had boogers sneezed on me. Once I caught projectile poop during a diaper change. Not to mention all the drool and spit. Lyra has this habit the past few days of licking my neck even when she isn't hungry. I think she thinks she's a puppy. Babies are weirdos.

Postpartum hormones are no joke. Happy tears, stressed tears, odd random tears, lots of tears! There were a few days straight I couldn't look at Lyra without crying because, "I love her so much" emotions overwhelmed me.  "Raw" is the best word to describe the first postpartum days.

***Present Miriam checking in here. I can't believe I have a 14 month old. Life feels like it is back to normal but simultaneously completely different than it used to be. It still blows my mind a little that a whole other person exists now. I have a wildly fearless, fiercely independent, adorable, and scary smart toddler now! I can't really adequately sum up a year in a few words but I can say it's been quite the adventure.


Sarah here.  Here's Lyra exactly one year later, photographed on her first birthday.

I also have to share a few things Miriam emailed to me later. It's possibly some of my favorite post-birth writing ever. 

"So I got the word from you and the midwives that Lyra's birth was 'triumphant.' Birth was triumphant for me because I definitely had been doubting myself in the back of my mind after pushing for so long. The turning point I had when I realized she was actually arriving is still vivid. And side note here, during that moment you were the first person I really believed was being serious and not exaggerating when you said I was almost done. I figure my mom and Travis clearly didn't know what they were talking about (haha poor family who I never listen to) and the midwives just wanted to keep me motivated for more pushing. But when you said told me that Lyra was really almost there, that gave me my last bit of motivation because I felt you had no stake in when or how Lyra arrived. So just so you know, you were a very important part of my birth experience aside from the pictures. Just saying, next time you should probably include a selfie because sometimes I look in my birth book and I'm like, "Geez, where was Sarah?" ;)

Aside from that, what struck me was how supported I felt while simultaneously knowing I had to birth Lyra alone. Travis was my rock who had my back (mostly literally); my mom was there as moral support (it was one of those rare times, possibly the first time, that she couldn't step in and mom away my pain); and the midwives were there in my face for some focusing talks. So I never felt like I had anything but the best support, but I did have that moment where I realized there was no turning back; I was on my own to birth Lyra and no one else could actually do it for me. And it is awe-inspiring to realize I built and birthed an entire separate little human being from scratch. I appreciate everything about my body now that I really know how much hard work was put into it. And frankly I feel like such a warrior badass momma goddess every time I look at that huge noggin of hers. You can quote me on that."

590 Design - Fairbanks Commercial Photography

Working with other creatives is kind of like having your cake and eating it too, in the best sense of the expression.  In other words, I had SO MUCH FUN working with Jen Gunderson of 590 Designs documenting her graphic design portfolio for her spiffy new website.  

Do you have commercial photography needs?  No matter how big or small the scale of your project, odds are I'd love to work on it with you.  Give me a holler and let's find out!  

2017 Mini-Sessions, Events, & Scheduling

For all the planners out there - here's how 2017 is shaping up around these parts!  In addition to births and the custom lifestyle sessions I offer all year long for families, maternity, and fresh babies, the following are all the organized "events" and mini-sessions I'll be offering through the year.  I hope one of them will be right up your alley!  

Exact dates will be determined later on.  Events are subject to change and cancellation.  If you'd like me to email you for a heads-up before one of these events, please just let me know, or follow me on Facebook for announcements.  

The next series of Perfect Headshots.

Professional headshots are a must-have for your CV, byline, social networking profiles, and 'About Me' page.  A must.  Every few months, I try to offer a day of headshots with a professional makeup artist, a full prep guide, and an array of delicious beverages so you can confidently knock this giant item off your to-do list.  The next installments of this series are planned for June 17, 2017; September 16, 2017; and November 18, 2017.  To reserve your spot now, please contact me.

Early July: Little Sessions in the Peonies at Goldstream Fruit & Flower.

Longer than a mini-session but shorter than a custom session, Little Sessions at Goldstream Fruit & Flower's peony farm are a wonderful opportunity for portraits in the loveliest of surroundings.

August: Babywearing & Family Mini-Sessions

Babywearing portraits are some of my favorites - documenting such a sweet benchmark.  Families (and non-babywearers) welcome.  This is a great opportunity to knock some family portraits out to preserve the summer sun all year long.  

Early September: Back to School Portraits

Short, sweet, and way better than boiler-plate (and priced just about the same as school portraits!).  Grab some sweet portraits to really mark the milestone of the new school year.  

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Mid-October: First Snow Mini Sessions at Running Reindeer Ranch

2017 will be the forth year Running Reindeer Ranch and I have collaborated to offer First-Snow holiday mini-sessions!  Man, they're a lot of fun.  Booking for these sessions will begin at the beginning of October.  

Late October: Halloween Portraits - Client Thank-you Event

As a gesture of thanks, for Halloween 2017 I'd like to invite all my year's clients to the studio for a complimentary in-costume portrait!  

And last but not least - 

My favorite, my absolute favorite type of sessions, are the ones we custom-design to document your family.  If more than a mini-session is what is in your heart, let's get rolling on session design!  Families, Births, Fresh Babies, and more - I love going into detail to create a session that will document your family's personality just as much as it does your faces.   These sessions are available year-round, though I do take a limited number per month, so contact me sooner rather than later to reserve yours!